Pricing for success - 7 tips for pricing your services

I know your unsure if your prices are correct.

I remember feeling unsure about my pricing strategy. What if I charge too much and they say no?! What if I charge too little and it's a ton of work and I get behind and fail and no one likes my services? You go down a rabbit hole of what ifs. 

It can be so stressful.

Here are a few tips that should hopefully solidify if you are on the right track.

- Price to scale immediately. Set minimum fees of $1k/month.

- Stop charging hourly. Hourly or session pricing will only give you the ability to get paid when physically working, not payment for your experience & ability to solve a major problem.

- Keep in mind how many relationships you are willing to maintain. You own a business and you desire time freedom. Managing relationships is hard & time consuming. I'd rather manage 5 people at $2k to get to $10k than 20 people at $500 to get to $10k.

- How do people perceive your value? Ever heard the term "You get what you pay for."

- When pricing consider all factors; your experience, time, materials, other labor, subscriptions, additional knowledge or resources.

- Go with your gut and what you BELIEVE the value is. If you don't believe it, neither will they.

- Not everyone is your client. Sorry but expect to hear "No, I can't afford that." Not EVERYONE will see your value. But some will believe your worth every penny plus some.

Keep these tips in mind when deciding where to price your services. These are the exact tips I used to scale my business to 6 figures! You can achieve the same, with the right strategies.

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