I know your unsure if your prices are correct.
I remember feeling unsure about my pricing strategy. What if I charge too much and they say no?! What if I charge too little and it's a ton of work and I get behind and fail and no one likes my services? You go down a rabbit hole of what ifs.
It can be so stressful.
Here are a few tips that should hopefully solidify if you are on the right track.
- Price to scale immediately. Set minimum fees of $1k/month.
- Stop charging hourly. Hourly or session pricing will only give you the ability to get paid when physically working, not payment for your experience & ability to solve a major problem.
- Keep in mind how many relationships you are willing to maintain. You own a business and you desire time freedom. Managing relationships is hard & time consuming. I'd rather manage 5 people at $2k to get to $10k than 20 people at $500 to get to $10k.
- How do people perceive your value? Ever heard the term "You get what you pay for."
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